Our Certificate & Online Programs for 2021


Our Certificate & Online Programs for 2021

At Ocean Academy, our curriculum has been designed to ensure full coverage of the entire National Curriculum and that the essential knowledge and skills needed to become a successful member of society are intertwined and sequenced logically. Links are made explicit by teaching staff, where appropriate, to the importance of the subject being learned in the big picture and how this links to their employability in the future.

All children also have access to and the opportunity to join a variety of extra-curricular clubs before, during and after school to develop their interest and skill in a variety of sports, music, science, maths, STEM, computing, dance and drama.

On top of this, enrichment experiences are organised within each year group to further develop our pupils’ cultural capital and understanding of employability.

all classes and examinations are conducted Online till the institute opens .

Remote learning strategy

Ocean Academy aims to provide education and support to our pupils, using in-school teaching, remote learning and/or a combination of both. Our remote learning follows research based evidence which includes facilitating direct instruction, real time lessons or inputs, recorded sequences and teaching skills and knowledge, quizzes, formal assessment, discussion forums and online resources.

Teacher contact and pastoral support works alongside this to ensure a sense of belonging and connectivity. We aim to provide quality provision for all our children in school or at home. Teaching and learning is tailored, changed and updated as time progresses, in-line with DfE circular 2020/06, allowing for replication of classroom activity to the best of our ability.

Remote learning approach

Online learning will be set in line with the work provided in school and will continue to follow the National Curriculum and the Ocean Academy Learning Journey Maps. All children will follow the same timetable and be offered the same learning opportunities wherever possible.

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Post Categories

Marine Engineering 21
Oceanography 28
Fisheries and Marine Science 14
Coastal Management 16
Aquaculture and Seafood Technology 32
Maritime Transport and Logistics 26
Water Sports 12
Fishing Gear Repair Mechanic 45
Fishing Harvest Technician 42